There’s no doubt, having had two boys with healthy appetites and a willingness to demolish almost anything I placed before them, lulled me into a false sense of security.
The arrival of my daughter has changed all that. Out went what previously worked and in came a new journey that I'm still learning to navigate.
Frustrating, absolutely. A disaster, no.
Being a Nutritionist, people have always asked me how best to navigate a fussy eater and it's not easy.
Smoothies have always been a family favourite and now they've become an easy and convenient way for me to ensure she’s getting the nutrition she needs. They've taken the unwanted stress out of things and with three on the go, they provide me with a peace of mind I'm keen to share with you.
Nutritionist, Optivance Nutrition
Toddler Nutrition Essentials
17 Vitamins and Minerals
Including 50% of your toddler's RDI of Iron, Calcium, Iodine, Vitamin B1, B12, C, D & E. The building blocks of health and development.
A good source of high quality Protein
Sourced from whey powder, which helps muscle development.
50% of a toddler's RDI of iodine
Required for healthy thyroid function and brain and bone development.
50% of a toddler's RDI of calcium
To support healthy bone development.
3 billion gut healthy Probiotics
To support a healthy gut and immune system.
40mg of Omega - 3 Fatty Acids (DHA)
Important for brain and eye development.
We've formulated the Toddler Smoothie to have a mild sweet flavour that's delicious with just the addition of water. No need for a blender - just stir or shake and serve in your toddler's cup or sippy cup. Perfect for mums and toddlers on the go.
But we also know toddlers love variety and so we've formulated the Toddler Smoothie so you can add all manner of age appropriate ingredients to create flavours they will love.
AS SIMPLE AS 1, 2, 3
Blend your choice of age appropriate ingredients such as fruit with 180ml of cool water.
Add 1 x Toddler Smoothie sachet for a final, gentle blend.
(This protects the probiotics from being damaged in the first blend)
Pour into a cup or sippy and let them enjoy all the amazing nourishment.
As a mother of three, our Nutritionist, Kristy, knows only too well how hard it can be to get the necessary nutrition into your kids.
Kristy has led the development of an innovative smoothie formulated to provide 12-36 month olds with the nutritional boost they need when they baffle by becoming"fussy eaters".